Dreaming about a US road trip for your next adventure? What better way to see the country than driving – it is the journey not the destination when you take a road trip.
But there are many more things to consider when you’re staying in a different place every night. How long do you want to drive each day? Will you allow time for spontaneous stops? Do you know what points of interest are a must see along the way? Are you going to eat out? Picnic at places along the way? Check out our blog on meals on the road coming in April.
Where will you stay each night?
You can car/tent camp along the way. This is the most budget friendly option. But depending on how long you will stay at each place, setting up and breaking down camp can be a lot of work. If you are a solo traveler, it can be a pretty simple easy low budget option. But add a spouse and a couple kids or dogs and it becomes more complicated and requires a lot more stuff to unload, set up and reload.
Many of the places you might consider for camping will have lodges or cabins. Often, cabins and lodges have kitchen facilities for cooking if you are hoping to save money on meals.
Whether you are car/tent camping or staying in cabins or lodges, US national and state parks and forests should be on your road trip itinerary so why not plan your lodging at your destinations along your journey.
Hotels and motels are an easy option. You may not be able to cook your own meals, but you usually get that free continental breakfast before exploring the area or getting on the road again. You still must do a bit of unpacking and repacking each night.
Or have you considered an RV for your trip?
There are lots of options for renting an RV and many benefits to going RV’ing for your road trip.
Is it cheaper to rent an RV versus staying in hotels? For every article you read that says it is cheaper, there is another one that says it is not. You might save on meals but spend more on fuel whether you are getting a drivable RV or hauling a travel trailer, your fuel costs will be higher. If you are pulling a travel trailer, you might have to rent a tow vehicle. And the daily costs of renting an RV plus RV park fees may be comparable to a hotel stay depending on the deals you are able to find.
But, saving money is not why you should consider this option.
An RV can be your home away from home for your journey. Once you move in for your trip that’s it, you’re done. Pull into your RV space at night, unlock the door and you are home. You can store and cook your food in your RV. Ready for lunch, pull into a rest stop or point of interest and have lunch at home. On the road late, pull into a rest stop, Walmart or truck stop and go to bed.
We have put together a list of those things you’ll want to consider when renting an RV for your next perfect road trip adventure.
Renting an RV – Many RV dealers that sell RV’s also rent them so check out your local RV dealer. Or check out www.cruiseamerica.com. There are also a few marketplaces that coordinate renting from private RV owners – just like AirBnB. Some even deliver the RV to your destination. Check out www.outdoorsy.com, www.rvshare.com, https://www.campanda.com/ or www.mightyvans.com Here’s a coupon from the www.thewanderingrv.com for www.outdoorsy.com
How much does it cost to rent an RV?
Renting versus owning –
Types of RV’s-
Tow Vehicles & Hitches –
If your vehicle has the towing capacity – do you have the proper hitch? https://www.curtmfg.com/selecting-trailer-hitch
Are you ready for your RV adventure?
Sparkle Adventures offers custom adventure planning services for your next adventure. We do the planning; you have the fun! Check out our adventure planning services and pricing at www.sparkle-adventures.com and get your next adventure started today.